
Grid id

sR Grid is able to create multiple grids. Each grid needs an unique grid id.

Name Description Type Default value
$grid-id Grid id String 'srgrid'

Note: in the default settings the $grid-id is used when creating the element attributes. If the$grid-id is changed this is reflected in the naming of attributes.

Grid attribute names

sR Grid uses data attributes rather than classes for a simple markup syntax. These can be configured using the following variables:

Name Description Type Default value
$grid-attr-name Attribute name for the grid String 'data-#{$grid-id}'
$row-attr-name Attribute name for the row String 'data-#{$grid-id}-row'
$column-attr-name Attribute name for the column String 'data-#{$grid-id}-col'

Only attribute addition

The only mode needs an attribute addition which is used in the attribute value.

Name Description Type Default value
$only-attr-addition Only attribute addition String 'only'

Example markup

<div data-srgrid-col="m-only-2">...</div>

Grid metrics

With sR Grid you are able to determine gutter widths as well as the amount of columns.

Name Description Type Default value
$gutter-widths Gutter widths Map (xs: 5, s: 5, m: 10, l: 15, xl: 20)
$column-count Column count Number 36

In its default state sR Grid uses 36 columns. This makes it possible to create fully responsive pages within the span of the whole viewport. A page can be centered by integrating columns on the left side for spacing.

Example markup for a centered fully responsive page

<div data-srgrid>
    <div data-srgrid-row>
        <div data-srgrid-col="6"></div> <!-- left spacing -->
        <div data-srgrid-col="24">
            Page content

For a cleaner code the Offset feature can be used instead:

<div data-srgrid>
    <div data-srgrid-row>
        <div data-srgrid-col="24 offset-6">
            Page content

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