Wrapper Feature

The wrapper feature is used for centering areas with a maximum width.


Name Description Type Default value
$wrapper-feature Enable the wrapper feature Boolean false
$wrapper-attr-name Attribute name for the wrapper String 'data-#($grid-id)-wrapper'
$wrapper-max-widths Maximum widths for the wrapper Map (xl: 1200)

Note: the maximum width can also be determined for specific breakpoints.

Example implementation

The element with the wrapper attribute will have a maximum width of 600 px in breakpoint "s" and 1400 px in breakpoint "xl".

@include srgrid-create-grid(
    $wrapper-feature: true,
    $wrapper-max-widths: (s: 600, xl: 1400)
<div data-srgrid>
    <div data-srgrid-wrapper> <!-- wrapper element -->
        <div data-srgrid-row>
            <div data-srgrid-col>

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