Column Fractions Feature

The column fractions feature simplifies the work with column widths and therefore increases the readability of the markup.


Name Description Type Default value
$column-fractions-feature Column fractions feature modes Null/List null
$column-fractions Column fractions Map (1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 2 3, 3 4)

Example implementation

Starting from breakpoint "m" the first column fractions element will be one half wide, the second element will be one third wide.

@include srgrid-create-grid(
    $column-fractions-feature: regular 
<div data-srgrid>
    <div data-srgrid-row>
        <div data-srgrid-col="m-1-2">...</div> <!-- column fractions element -->
        <div data-srgrid-col="m-1-3">...</div> <!-- column fractions element -->

results matching ""

    No results matching ""